Gippsland sub Branch

Susan O'Malley is Gippsland's Regional Director

I am a recently retired Teacher-Librarian with more years of experience than I care to count. I’ve always read compulsively and with complete absorption. My total adoration of children’s literature grew out of many hours reading aloud to our four children (all well and truly grown up now but still prepared to listen to me rave about my latest favourite book) and then honed most recently in a regional independent school where I supported the reading of children aged from 3 to 16. My response to those who have thought that upon retirement I wouldn’t have to read children’s books any more has been a loud and unmistakeable denial. I am super excited that being a part of CBCA Victoria will allow me to continue my obsession with writing for children of all ages.

I find it impossible to choose a personal ‘notable’ book either from now or the past so instead I will mention my current read. ‘Saving Romeo’ by Kathryn Barker is the most incredible mash-up of 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Wuthering Heights', time travel and science fiction. It sounds crazy but it totally works and I’m loving it!

Scot Gardner's Gippsland tour

From May 13 to May 17, the Gippsland sub-branch of CBCA VIC hosted a tour by Scot Gardner to 6 different schools. Scot spoke to audiences ranging in number from 20 to more than 100, at schools from all 3 sectors as well as both primary and secondary. He gave general author talks which consistently had students in fits of laughter where he encouraged students to use the little, real events from their own lives as the point from which to develop stories that will ring true because they are genuine.

Scot also ran workshops where he took students further along the creative writing road. He gave them scenarios, characters and settings as jumping off points for their writing. At all times Scot was encouraging as well as humorous and the response from students was consistently positive and empowered.

Scot was easy-going and genuine, and prepared to spend time with teachers and other adults involved in his tour. He joined some of us for lunch one day and others for an evening meal on another.